Welcome Paxio residential customers and properties to the Sail Internet family! Learn more.

Sail’s licensed and insured technicians install:

  • a few small low-power wireless devices on your rooftop
  • an outdoor service box that connects to your AC power
  • and a robust WiFi router inside your home.

We do require an agreement for our Relay Hub Home partners. Because Relay Hub Homes are essential to deliver internet connections to an entire neighborhood, we need reassurance that you’ll host the equipment for at least 3 years.

Sail Internet is focused on delivering high-speed internet over the “last mile” – that distance that larger companies deem not worth crossing. We do not rely on one technology or method. There is the potential that future Relay Hub Homes would enjoy a direct fiber connection.

We qualify Relay Hub Homes in several ways. Typically we look for the following criteria:

  • 2-story or higher home
  • Clear visibility to 100+ other homes in your neighborhood from your roof
  • Other engineering criteria may apply

If your home meets our Relay Hub Home criteria, we will contact you with the next steps.

Homeowners who host a small antenna on their roof help to expand the Sail network. In return, they receive FREE internet service along with priority tech support. In addition, Relay Hub Homes receive faster speeds than your neighbors. There are no installation costs or fees to the Relay Hub Home.