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Sail Internet wants to bring fiber-sourced internet to your neighborhood

Relay Hub Homes are select Sail customers who want to help grow the development of Sail internet service in their neighborhoods.

A Relay Hub Home is a single-family home that can host equipment that distributes Sail Internet service to other homes in the immediate area.

Our Relay Hub Homes receive complimentary Sail Internet service with higher speeds than other homes and concierge-level service.

Become a Relay Hub Home Today!

If your home meets our qualifications, you can become a Relay Hub Home and start receiving your service at home for FREE!

Up to 500+ Mbps downloads and up to 200+ Mbps uploads!

No data caps let you stream as much as you want

Peace of mind that your ISP will not sell or share your information or browsing data

5-star tech support if and when you need it

Satisfaction that comes with supporting better internet access in your neighborhood

Interested in becoming a Relay Hub Home?

  • Your privacy is our top priority. We will not sell your contact info. View our Privacy Policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the connection secure and private?

Sail uses advanced encryption technology for wirelessly transmitted data to protect the privacy of the internet connection. In addition, Sail does not sell or share your information or browsing history.

How does Sail provide internet service?

We provide high-speed internet to your home or business using a reliable fixed wireless technology. After we install a small device on your roof, you’ll be wirelessly connected to high-speed, fiber sourced internet. With a clear fixed signal path to your home or business, we can utilize low-cost frequency bands, instead of the costly and congested cellular bands. Sail’s innovative strategy delivers residential service with blazing-fast speeds up to 400 Mbps downloads to single family homes and up to Gig speed to condos and apartments for an affordable, flat monthly rate.

What is a Relay Hub Home?

Homeowners who host a small antenna on their roof help to expand the Sail network. In return, they receive FREE internet service along with priority tech support. In addition, Relay Hub Homes receive faster speeds than your neighbors. There are no installation costs or fees to the Relay Hub Home.

Can anyone become a Relay Hub Home?

We qualify Relay Hub Homes in several ways. Typically we look for the following criteria:

  • 2-story or higher home
  • Clear visibility to 100+ other homes in your neighborhood from your roof
  • Other engineering criteria may apply

If your home meets our Relay Hub Home criteria, we will contact you with the next steps.

Will there be a direct fiber connection?

Sail Internet is focused on delivering high-speed internet over the “last mile” – that distance that larger companies deem not worth crossing. We do not rely on one technology or method. There is the potential that future Relay Hub Homes would enjoy a direct fiber connection.

Is there a contract?

We do require an agreement for our Relay Hub Home partners. Because Relay Hub Homes are essential to deliver internet connections to an entire neighborhood, we need reassurance that you’ll host the equipment for at least 3 years.

What will Sail install?

Sail’s licensed and insured technicians install:

  • a few small low-power wireless devices on your rooftop
  • an outdoor service box that connects to your AC power
  • and a robust WiFi router inside your home.
Does Sail use satellites or cell towers?

No. Sail does not use satellites that provide slow and sluggish performance. Sail does not transmit from high-power cell towers using frequencies that penetrate buildings.

How long does the installation take?

Installation of the equipment for a Relay Hub Home will take a few days over a two-week period. This is pretty different from our residential install which takes a few hours.

How much power is involved?

The Sail technology is similar to WiFi, with wireless signal levels similar to a smartphone or WiFi home router. Sail uses directional antennas, focusing the wireless signals only where intended.

Sail equipment consumes less than 100 Watts, similar to a single light bulb. In other words, the equipment we install will output a lower wireless signal than your mobile phone.

Do I need to worry about EM radiation (also called EMF radiation)?

In short, no. All equipment used by Sail Internet complies with FCC regulations and all applicable standards related to electromagnetic radiation. In fact, the methods used by Sail Internet to deploy wireless connections result in radiation levels much lower than many household electronic devices.

What if I live in an HOA?

We work with HOA management to determine the best way to serve an entire HOA. If you are interested in becoming the Relay Hub Home for your HOA, we recommend that you reach out to us and introduce us to your HOA management so that we may all work towards the best solution.

Is the connection secure and private?

Sail uses advanced encryption technology for wirelessly transmitted data to protect the privacy of the internet connection. In addition, Sail does not sell or share your information or browsing history.

How does Sail provide service to single family homes?

Sail provides high-speed internet to your home or business using reliable fixed wireless technology. After we install a small device on your roof, you’ll be wirelessly connected to high-speed, fiber-sourced internet. With a clear fixed signal path to your home or business, we can utilize low-cost frequency bands, instead of the costly and congested cellular bands. Sail’s innovative strategy delivers residential service with blazing-fast speeds up to 200 Mbps downloads to single family homes for an affordable, flat monthly rate.

How does Sail provide service to condos and apartments?

Sail provides high-speed internet to your unit using the existing building wiring. Our service connects to a wall jack in your unit. To activate your service, we will connect an ethernet patch cable from your wall jack to a Wi-Fi router. In some locations, we may also install a small modem between your wall jack and Wi-Fi router. Sail’s innovative strategy delivers service with blazing-fast speeds up to Gig speed to condos and apartments for an affordable flat monthly rate.

Is the connection secure and private?

Sail uses advanced encryption technology for wirelessly transmitted data to protect the privacy of the internet connection. In addition, Sail does not sell or share your information or browsing history.

How does Sail provide service to businesses?

Sail installs a wireless device on your roof that is smaller and nicer-looking than a typical satellite dish for TV service. Sail then installs an ethernet switch in your building’s main telecom closet and connects your business to our service using the existing building wiring. If needed, we will run a new ethernet cable to your business. In smaller buildings, the switch may be installed directly in a telecom closet in your suite.

Does Sail have a referral program?


If you are a Sail customer, you can get rewarded for recommending Sail Internet to people you know. You can receive a $55 internet service credit after the referee’s service is installed and they pay for the first month’s service.

For more information, see https://sailinternet.com/referral.